Links to various accessibility related reserch papers and presentations authord or given by CUCAT staff and students.
- Nazemi A, Ortega-Sanchez C, Murray I, Digital Talking Book Player for the Visually Impaired Using FPGAs, ReConFig, 2011 International Conference on ReConFigurable Computing and FPGAs, Cancun Mexico, Nov 30-Dec 2 2011
- Maynard C, Murray I & Ng Alan, Applying Lessons from Network Simulation and Remote Laboratory Systems for the Vision Impaired to Fully Sighted Students, 1st World Engineering Education Flash Week, Lisbon, Portugal 2011
- Murray I & Ng Alan, Network Simulation and Remote Laboratory Systems for students with Vision Impairment, LMPCNA, Venice, Italy, 2011
- Permvattna R, Murray I, Armstrong H, Webbased Learning Environments for the Vision Impaired, IADIS International Conference on International Higher Education 2010, 29 Nov-1 Dec 2010, Perth Australia
- Murray I & Armstrong H, Spanning the Digital Divide: A Remote IT Learning Environment for the Vision Impaired, IADIS International Conference on Internet Technologies & Society 2010, 29 Nov-1 Dec 2010, Perth Australia
- Armstrong H & Murray I, An Accessible E-learning Space in Advanced IT Networks for the Vision Impaired, Journal of Vision Impairment & Blindness, August 2010 Volume 104 Number 8, pp504-509
- Murray I & Armstrong H, Advanced IT Education for the Vision Impaired via e-Learning, Journal of Information Technology Education, 2009 (forthcoming)
- Murray, I & Armstrong H, Remote Laboratory Access for Students with Vision Impairment, The International Journal on Advances in Life Sciences, Vol 1, no 2-3, 2009 pp77-89
- Murray I & Armstrong H, Remote Laboratory Access for Students with Vision Impairment, The first International Workshop on Learning Methodologies and Platforms used in the Cisco Networking Academy (LMPCNA 2009), 21-25th April 2009, Valencia Spain
- Murray I, Armstrong A & Maynard C, Making Laboratory Access possible for Remote students with Visual Impairment, SEFI 37th Annual Conference, 1st -4th July 2009, Rotterdam, Netherlands
- Murray I & Maynard C, Attracting Students through Assistive Technology Projects, SEFI 37th Annual Conference, 1st -4th July 2009, Rotterdam, Netherlands
- Murray I & Armstrong H, Remote Laboratory Access for Students with Vision Impairment, The first International Workshop on Learning Methodologies and Platforms used in the Cisco Networking Academy (LMPCNA) 2009, April 20-25, 2009 - Valencia, Spain
- Xuan Zhang, Ortega-Sanchez C and Murray I, Reconfigurable PDA for the Visually Impaired Using FPGAs, 08 International Conference on ReConFigurable Computing and FPGA's, ReConFig'08, December 3-5, 2008, Cancun, Mexico, pp 1-6
- Kearney G Introduction to the Macintosh for Low Vision and Blind Computer Users Dialogue, Salem, Oregon USA Vol.46 No. 6 November-December 2007
- Armstrong H & Murray I, Remote and Local Delivery of Cisco Education for the Vision-Impaired, ITiCSE 2007, Dundee Scotland, 25-27 June 2007
- Xuan Zhang, Cesar Ortega-Sanchez and Iain Murray,A Hardware Based Braille Note Taker SPL2007 - III Southern Conference on Programmable Logic, Mar del Plata, Argentina, February 26-28, 2007
- Xuan Zhang, Cesar Ortega-Sanchez and Iain Murray, A System for Fast Text-to-Braille Translation Based on FPGAs SPL2007 - III Southern Conference on Programmable Logic, Mar del Plata, Argentina, February 26-28, 2007
- Srivilailuck S, Beale P, Murray I, Kidd B 2006 Hidden Design: An Inquiry into the Design of Inclusive Environment for the Vision Impaired and Blind in their Learning Environment, 2nd International Universal Design Conference, Kyoto, Japan 22-26 October
- Xuan Zhang, Cesar Ortega-Sanchez and Iain Murray Text to Braille in a Chip, 4th International Conference on Electrical & Computer Engineering, Dhaka, Bangladesh, 18-21 December 2006
- Xuan Zhang, Cesar Ortega-Sanchez and Iain Murray A Portable Device for the Translation of Braille to Text, ASSETS06, Portland, Oregon USA, October 23-25, 2006
- Hope J, vonKonsky B, Murray I, A Cisco Education Tool Accessible to the Vision Impaired, ASSETS06, Portland, Oregon USA, October 23-25, 2006
- Murray I and Pasquale A, Wireless Headset Communications for Vision Impaired Persons in Multi-User Environments, ASSETS06, Portland, Oregon USA, October 23-25, 2006
- Murray I and Pasquale A , Hardware-Based Text to Braille Translator, ASSETS06, Portland, Oregon USA, October 23-25, 2006
- Murray I & Armstrong H,Innovations in tertiary online learning for students who are blind or vision impaired, 7th International Conference on Information Technology Based Higher Education and Training, Sydney Australia 10-13 July 2006
- Armstrong H, Murray I & Permvattana R, Building A Bridge for the Sight Impaired: Converting Cisco E-Learning Curriculum, Fourth World Conference on Information Security Education (WISE4), May, Moscow, Russia,2005
- Murray I, Universal Access - Assistive Technology on Tiger, AUC Academic Conference 2005, Hobart Tasmania Australia
- Murray I & Armstrong H, Supporting Sight Impaired IT Students in an e-learning Environment, Educase Australasia, 2005
- Murray I & Armstrong H, Incorporating Vendor-Based Training into Security Courses, Proceedings from the Sixth Annual IEEE Systems, Man and Cybernetics (SMC) Information Assurance Workshop, IEEE Man Systems and Cybernetics Society, New York, USA
- Murray I & Chellen B, Using Empirical Information to Optimise WLAN Performance, ICTWA 2005, Perth Western Australia
- Murray I & Armstrong H, A Computing Education via eLearning for the Vision Impaired, Pathways 7, 2004, Alice Springs, Australia
- Hollier S & Murray I, Digital Disability - An Examination Into The Effectiveness of Multi-Modal Interfaces for People With Disabilities, WCC 2004, Toulouse France
- Hollier S & Murray I, The Evolution of e-Inclusion, WCC 2004, Toulouse France
- Murray I & Armstrong H, A Computing Education Vision for the Sight Impaired, ACE2004, Dunedin New Zealand
- Murray I & Moore C, An Electronic Design for a Low Cost Braille Typewriter, ANZIIS 2001, Perth Western Australia
- Murray I & Wong C, A Novel Design of Integrated Sensors for the White Cane, ANZIIS 2001, Perth Western Australia
- Murray I, A Portable Device for Optically Recognizing Braille Part I, ANZIIS 2001, Perth Western Australia
- Murray I, A Portable Device for Optically Recognizing Braille Part II, ANZIIS 2001, Perth Western Australia
- Siewert, I & Murray I, Australian Currency Note Identifier for the Vision Impaired Part I, ANZIIS 2001, Perth Western Australia
- Siewert, I & Murray I, Australian Currency Note Identifier for the Vision Impaired Part II, ANZIIS 2001, Perth Western Australia
- Dias T & Murray I,Performance Analysis of Aloha Channels with Self-Similar Input Traffic, ATS 2000
- Dias T & Murray I, Modelling the Throughput of an ALOHA Channel with Self Similar Input Traffic, GlobeCom 2000
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