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The CUCAT logo. A cat with the stars of the Southern Cross on it over the letters CUCAT.

CUCAT News Release

CUCAT Releases Becoming an Australian Citizen in DAISY format

Perth, Western Australia 12 May 2008

Curtin University Centre for Accessible Technology has released today a DAISY digital talking book of Becoming an Australian Citizen. This title from the Department of Immigration an Citizenship is intended to help people prepare to take the citizenship test. This full text/full audio DAISY version of Becoming an Australian Citizen will assist those who are blind or print disabled (dyslexic) in learning the materials required for citizenship.

Becoming an Australian Citizen is offered free from the CUCAT website at in a wide range of formats.

DAISY is an international format for digital talking books used by the blind and print disabled (dyslexic). More information can be found at the DAISY Consortium's website

CUCAT is a multi disciplinary research group that includes members with qualifications and experience in engineering, social sciences, occupational therapy and psychology, focusing on assistive technology and rehabilitation engineering solutions for people with print and/or vision disabilities. The group develops both hardware and software solutions and methods of their application, with particular emphasis on eLearning and educational requirements, techniques and curriculum development for this demographic. More information can be found at the CUCAT website

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